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What Lock Should I use?

In general we recommend customers use "tamper-proof" locks. While regular pad locks, combo locks, etc.. will work, they are easily circumvented with a normal pair of bolt cutters. In the end its your stuff protected by your lock.

  • Is a lock included with my unit?
    Renters are responsible for providing a lock for the unit. Disk locks are availible for purchase during the rental proccess and anytime after if something happens to your existing lock.
  • What if I lose my key?
    You are resposible for your key, we do not provice locksmithing services.
  • I have an item that is sensitive to tempurature, are you able to keep it warm/cool?"
    No, We do not currently offer any form of temerature control at any of our facilities. We recommend that furnishings be stored on pallets to allow air to circulate, especially items wrapped in plasitc.
  • When will I recieve my security deposit back?
    Security deposits will be returned by mail when units are cleaned out , swept out , assessed, availible to rent, and any outstanding balance paid.
  • When can I access my unit?
    Renters have access to units 24/7 year-round.
  • I am unable to access my unit due to a large amount of snow, What should I do?"
    In the extreme case that you are unable to access your unit due to snow, call the main office number listed at the bottom of the page and state what location you are having an issue with. Our units are plowed daily.
  • Am I responsible for providing my own insurance?
    Renters are individually responsible for insuring the contents of their storage units. We do not offer any insurance.
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